Mentorship is now big business. No longer do we use mentoring to develop a mentee’s gift, talent, or ability into the anointing to preach, teach, or advance God’s agenda and the kingdom of heaven. Rather mentorship is seen as a strategy to make money and expand your brand or business structure. The business world does not call their mentoring discipleship however the tradition of being mentored began back in the Bible days. Now if you want to be successful, you simply need to find a coach that promises wealth, success and an effective marketing strategy that gets you accolades by man. All that is required is a few thousands of dollars and the internet.
You can now become a certified individual qualified to mentor someone else in a week or less. No longer is your experience, your area of vision, your expertise, or your matriculation through the process of life the primary qualification to mentor others. Ironically, the Bible had the most successful mentor, mentee relationships that helped shape nations and kingdoms. Yet they did the opposite of what we see today. Jesus spent His three years of ministry mentoring His disciples. He did not say that if they followed Him, their net worth, their platforms or their performance would get better. He was honest and told His mentees that choosing to follow Him would cost them their lives. He told them they would be persecuted, despised, and rejected. What happens when Christians are given platforms, positions, and authority from man without proper true processing and development according to Biblical principles?
What happens when we use a cross-less Christ system of leadership development? What happens when preparation for spiritual warfare is not a part of a leader’s development? What happens when Christian leaders are not prepared to lead?