"You can’t offer a master class, coaching courses, mentorship, or lead an organization if you haven’t mastered anything."
Dr. Samaria M. Colbert
The thought of being chosen sounds good. We all want to be chosen. We want the accolades of being seen, heard, and known. Being chosen by God is very different from being chosen by man. Being chosen by man is a popularity contest. It is about who is the greatest, the most talented, and who has the most followers on social media. We tend to promote people who look the part without regard for whether they have been endorsed by God. Leaders you cannot endorse who God has not ordained. Unfortunately, we live in an era where we promote gift above fruit or godly character. This book will encourage the chosen while offending those motivated by selfish ambition. Dr. Samaria teaches principles of how and who God chooses and what you should do about it.